Enphasys receives support from Vinnova to improve the screening of advanced drug delivery systems

June 3, 2022

Enphasys is happy to announce that the company has been granted support from Vinnova in the call Innovative Startups for the project “Enphasys: Förbättrat urval av framtidens läkemedelsformuleringar” (Enphasys: Improved selection of the drug formulations of tomorrow”). The project aims to develop new in vitro methods for selection of optimal drug formulations for drugs with challenging physicochemical properties. We believe that the methods will be of great value when screening formulation and thus reduce the time from discovery to patient use for new drug entities. Stay tuned for more news about the innovation!

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This project has recieved funding by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 836869
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